During my daily glance at Design*Sponge I ran across the above print by Johnny&Stacie and fell instantly in love! It was a must have. Now I don't want anyone to think I'm the type of woman who just buys things on a whim. I'm more of the type to pick up a $1.95 picture frame at Target, carry it around for a while, then put it down realizing I really don't need it—this happened yesterday. Needless to say I strive very hard to avoid buyer's remorse. But this print on the other hand was a must have! You see in the last four years my husband and I have lived in our house, I've painstakingly put hours into making it a home. With that my husband has been left out of the process here and there; not because I wanted him to, more so because it's either been "my" thing or he debates something so long it then goes out of style. Now the above print helps relieve some of that "the house is your thing" tension. This print that will hang next to our door embodies both of our loves, his simple pleasure of riding his bike and my love of good design. One print alone my not conquer our homemaking problems...but it's a simple start!