Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Art of Gardening

So I've been m.i.a. for the past week plus. But with good reason! I must fully admit I'm NOT a multitasker—horrible I know. My plants have been seeking much of my care: bringing them ALL in at night to avoid the last spring frost, transplanting to bigger pots, watering...the list goes on. So here is an update of what's happening in Gnome Garden—yes, this is the recent name I've given to my little plot of vegetation. And if you're wondering why I'm writing about gardening on an art blog, well if you think gardening isn't an art...try it!

All gnomes have been placed—despite my fiancees protests and pleas. I had every intention of limiting the gnomes that I purchased. However, this last weekend my mother-in-law and sister-in-law added to the list and and these new comers had to find a place in the garden as well.

The heirloom tomato seeds I was gifted from Critter Farm have been planted and I'm counting down the days for them to be transplanted, make their way into the garden, flower, and then produce fruit! It will be a celebration.

My other tomato plants were begging to be transplanted, fencing was placed around the garden to keep out my grass loving dog, flowers potted and THEN drug inside after a bizarre end-of-season frost advisory. Weeds that have grown like wildfire—despite my best attempts to keep them away, had to be pulled!

It's been a rough week lemme tell ya! So if you'd like to give this therapeutic, yet sometimes time consuming form of art a try, yet you think it's too late in the season to start, stop by the Cincinnati Civic Garden Center this weekend. The center will be having their 50th annual Plant, Herb & Hosta Sale and you can buy plenty of mature plants raised with love. The preview party is on Friday April, 29—but it'll cost ya! Or you can wait like me until the weekend and go for free. Good luck and happy gardening.

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